One of the many many things I love about staying at the Wynn is when you wake up in the morning (in what is probably THE most comfortable bed in the world) you reach over and click the open button and the black out curtains automatically part revealing a great view of the strip. Nice way to wake up apart from when the sun shines through and makes you realise what a horrendous hang over you have.
We meet Pete and Sel for breakfast at terrace point cafe and give Pete his birthday present. Happy Birthday Mr Peter. Definitely worst ways to spend a birthday!
We then resume position by the gorgeous pool and remain there for the rest of the day, having a little read unit it reached beer o'clock (around 1pm) where we migrate to the pool with buckets of Miclob ultra. Can't beat it.
After the sun disappaers behind the Palazzo we head back upstairs to FaceTime Eric and the Y'ster so they can wish Pete a happy birthday.
Loving my evening read whilst Nat is getting ready. Good job I have pants on in the reflection.
We meet in Parasol Down bar overlooking the lake of dreams for a few before we head out. Unfortunately the crazy shows don't start until later so we will have so save watching the crazy frog for another time.
Birthday posing.
We then decide to head to Palazzo and the Venetian as have booked a table at the brilliant Tao restaurant.
Luckily me and Pete managed to get the girls through the esplanade and Manolo Blahnik without incurring any charges!!
Great view of the Trump and fashion show mall from the bridge across to Palazzo.
Forget how amazing Palazzo and the Venetian are. Such amazing flowers (and I don't even like flowers!!)
We then go for a few beers in Rockhouse in the Venetian which is like a dive bar but obviously has the Vegas polish so is actually not that 'divey' at all. Amazing place to watch sport. These screens must have been 70 inches.
Great beer too.
Great views of the Venetian and the strip on the way to Tao.
Also very random that every half an hour we can look out the window and see a volcano erupting at the Mirage. Only in Vegas. Reminded us of Banos.
The super cool Tao. Love this place. Great food and great atmosphere. Really busy tonight.
Asian slant on a birthday cake for Pete.
Sel getting involved in the short, tight and bright fashion style that is everywhere in Vegas (minus the bright).
After dinner we head to the Cosmopolitan as the club there, Marquis, is open tonight and they also have a highly recommended bar called Chandelier bar.
Very random picture. Two girls in a shoe.
The queue for Marquis was the most ridiculous queue we have ever seen. It was huge. There most have been a thousand people in it so needless to say we didn't bother going in. It's getting pretty late by now and sleepy Len has arrived so we only have one in the Chandelier Bar and then head back to the Wynn.
Me and Pete have a little flutter on the black jack table allowing us $100 each. Luckily we both came away from it up. Pete by $35 and me by a handsome $130. Can't be bad at least this pays for two thirds of dinner!!
We sadly say goodbye to Pete and Sel who have to get a flight in four hours time at 6am meaning they have to leave inn2 hours. Do not envy them for that one. It's been an amazing two days in a Vegas with them - thoroughly enjoyed it and has a lot of laughs. We wish we had longer together but South America is calling them.
Aaah...that was mother heaven!!! Soooo loved every minute of following all four of my moomins around Hedonistic Vegas!! What an amazingly sumptuous place it is.... Such a lovely place for Peter to celebrate his 33rd birthday in!!! I saved sooo many of these photos to my photo stream....really special. Very big laugh at the volcano erupting periodically at Mirage......and transporting you back to Banos!! Two very different experiences.....each just as wonderful. Loving Vegas.......Love and hugs Beanies xxxxxxxxx