Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Day 94 - Ilha Grande to Salvador, Brazil

Woke up to no power again this morning and it doesn't come on for the remainder of our time on the island which means we have had power for about 25% of our stay here. Oh well. It still hasn't taken anything away from our stay here. 

We need to make the journey to Salvador today so we have some time to kill in the morning as our boat doesn't leave until 13:00pm. We are lucky that the pile of washing we put into the Launderette is ready and hasn't been effected by the power cut as the guy had done it last night. 

We chill out in the restaurant of our hotel overlooking the beach for a few hours. We are mesmerised by the tight rope walkers outside. Basically all the surfers spend hours practicing their balance on this. 

We are picked up by the EasyTransfer boat and get back to the mainland for 14:00, passing a petrol station specifically for boats on the way which is a first for me. 

Getting off the boat proved quite tricky due to the choppy sea again. The boat was rising up and down easily 5ft which made the timing of jumping off pretty critical. We made it though although one guy didn't nearly lose his case to the ocean. 

Then time for the second of our four journeys today; the mini bus to Rio Airport. It only takes a couple of hours so we arrive at 16:00 and our flight to Salvador isn't until 21:30. Typically the airport is absolutely rubbish with one crappy cafe and not even anywhere to buy a beer. At least they have wifi though. 

We finally take off and complete leg three of the journey and land in Salvador at 23:30. On the way in we fly over ther new World Cup stadium which looks pretty good. You can't quite make it out in this pic die to the cloud but trust me it is down there!

Leg four of the journey was by far the scariest. The most tired, fastest taxi driver we have ever had. The taxi was going so fast that it was shaking like old cars do when you push them too hard and all the way he was yawning his head off and making some very erratic moves. Unfortunately for us the alernative is getting let out in a very deserted city at midnight with only weird looking people around so we conclude we are safer where we are - but only just! 

We get there in the end though and check into our hotel in the old town that we will be in for exactly six hours before it's time to get our bus to Lencois tomorrow. We will see Salvador on our return in three days. It's been a strange day going to both Rio and Salvador and not seeing anything of them but not long before we do. We also saw the BA flight land at Rio airport which my parents wi be on next Thuraday night. Very exciting!

1 comment:

  1. Phew ..feel quite exhausted, and, simultaneously relieved....!! So delighted that you survived that taxi ride- you must have been terrified!! Well done for completing your four journeys, Beanies- I'm promoting you from your 'Phoney Traveller' status forthwith! Think you're both amazing! Excitement mounts now in anticipation of the 'Parent Party'!! Can't wait to see your Mum, Dad,Nigel and Elaine with you on the blog!! Yay! Must go to My land of Nod now, darlings- keep safe and have a good bus ride to Lencois- our love goes with you. XxxxxxxxxxxxPS Peter and Selena flew to Chicagovtoday to start their trip....we're officially reverse orphans now!!! Xxxx
