Saturday, 14 December 2013

Day 28 - Vientiane, Laos

It's going to be a pretty quick update today. Having exhausted anything of interest that Vientiane has to offer yesterday this morning after breakfast we chill out in the room and watch Matrix reloaded. 

After we head for a day at the gym. We head to Sangarda Leisure centre that we saw yesterday to go to the gym, a massage and then chill by the pool for be rest if the day. 

I love this gym. It's a spit and sawdust type one like what I used to train in. It just be good as even Nat does some weights. I sort her out a little program. She is going to be sore in the morning. 

After my well needed gym session I had a  nice hour long massage (for £1.50) then joined Nat out by the pool. We spent the rest of the day here. It's so nice to have a pool to cool down in during the hot city sun. 

After some lovely bit frustratingly intermittent face time with the family we head out to dinner to a nice little traditional Lao place called Dousng Deuane. I am getting seriously into the Lao traditional dish, the Laap with sticky rice. Damn tasty. After that we do a lap of the block to walk off dinner and head back to the hotel. 8.30pm again. What is wrong with us?

See I told you it was going to be a short one today. Phuket tomorrow but just found out our flight is delayed by a couple of hours. Last minute changes seem quite the norm out here. At least they told us this time. 

PS. Just found Man City vs Arsenal live on the TV. That's the rest of my evening sorted! Bliss. 


  1. I hope you enjoyed the Man City v Arsenal game Aaron. What a game and what a ....score. One of the few games I have enjoyed recently. Who could guess the score!!! Have a great flight tomorrow, looking forward to talk to you soon. Lots of love...Y'ster xxxxx
    PS. The other half is out there ....Christmas Shopping with Shaza!!!

  2. Oh my word....Y'ster is able to comment as himself.....not as Anonymous!! Need to ask him how I do this when he wakes up!! It was so lovely to talk to you both yesterday....huge treat, and it will sustain me through my heavy week! Hope Natty isn't too sore after her weight training two will be returning in great shape at this rate...well done! Just about to google Laap....I've been making a lot of Thai curries after reading your blogs.....this new dish may inspire long as the ingredients aren't too difficult to source?!!! Have a safe journey to Phuket...hope Internet is up to speed and we can talk to you soon. Love you v v much- take care xxxxxxxxxx
